Tromso Olympiad Recap: Rd. 2

6. GM Laznicka (2676) – IM Tissir (2366) 1/2-1/2

Amusingly I was recently examining games that were quite similar to this one. White tries to load up on the queen side and eventually just over-runs black due to the space advantage. Which is what was happening for most of this game until White made a few inaccuracies. The most interesting part of this game is when Tissir accepts a perpetual despite the fact that he was -7 i two of the final positions (although it isn’t easy to see how).

5. GM Rapport (2704) – IM Rohl Montes (2390) 0-1

Frankly I don’t like the way Rapport plays, he’s too much of a caveman for my personal tastes. That being said, he’s remarkably strong and can beat anyone in the world, his game against Gelfand in the Budapest was quite memorable. In this game Rapport appears to push to hard for the win and overlooks a very nice shot. I’m always impressed when people play for wins in completely lost positions as Rapport did here.

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